Against the backdrop of hidden borders, police checks and political pressure the supply of alcohol grew les and les. Since forbidden fruits are the nicest and man is very inventive, the Americans started to still alcohol illegally amongst them a brew based on corn was very popular called , because the activities took place at night under the light of the moon. Organised crime also saw an opportunity to make lots of money, think of and his rival no.1 police-sleuth . Smuggling - Gin from England, Rum from the Caribbean was also a mayor issue, although this contraband was often of inferior quality. This drink was available in illegal clubs along with woman and gambling , the furnished with massive front doors and quick gataway out the back door. The bartenders in these clubs made history; a new type og glass was invented, it was customary to serve drinks neat and in a small shotglass. By serving the drink in a elegant coupe-glass it was less obvious that alcohol was being